Laser scanning took hours to complete in order to capture 3D as-built documentation. However, you may quickly capture all the information you require with the FARO® Focus Swift Mobile Scanner by taking one-tenth as long. The pinnacle in speed and accuracy, our mobile mapping system combines mobile and stationary scans to offer better data more quickly. Now, the Focus Swift offers large-area projects — both indoor and outdoor — precise, rich colour scans.
You may accurately and efficiently record the current state of big project sites or existing facilities with the FARO Swift system. You will “know” what is happening in a fraction of the time it takes you now, whether you work in facilities management or construction.
FARO® Focus Swift Mobile Scanner |
Maximum Performance |
Applications for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
Building managers can confidently document complicated projects with Swift, ensuring that important stakeholders have access to accurate and current information even if they lack specific technical knowledge.
- Ergonomic, intuitive design..
- Preserving historical sites.
- Asset and facility management with a digital twin.
Reduce Material Waste and Rework
Your facility’s exact as-built characteristics allow you to ensure that your plans fit the first time. Additionally, constant, frequent 3D monitoring of the construction process enables you to spot problems before they become expensive and cause schedule delays.
ScanArm Features
It can record scans with up to 266 megapixels of colour information thanks to the most recent colour technology.
Use any software tool, including FARO software solutions and third-party applications like Autodesk® ReCapTM, to process the point cloud data from that best suits your workflow.
For projects that require five scanning days, a typical scan with the Flash Technology add-on and necessary PanoCam can save up to 2.5 days of scanning and take less than 30 seconds.
Providing competitive service entails extending the product’s lifespan while lowering the overall cost of ownership during its entire useful life.
Thanks to its “Snap-In” functionality, the new Focus is also made to function well. When scanning complicated environments/structures, equipment, or confined areas, reduce the time needed for several scanner locations.
Technology represents a revolution in the scanning of large-volume projects for both public safety and engineering purposes.